[Mingw-w64-public] libgcov stubbed out on cross-compile mingw
Rhodri James
2017-06-28 17:31:13 UTC

for complicated and devious reasons I am trying to cross-compile a
program for Windows on Linux, run it under WINE and pick up coverage
information with gcov. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work.

If I try this with a trivial hello world program:

$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --coverage -o hello.exe hello.c
$ wine hello.exe
Hello, world
$ ls
hello.c hello.exe hello.gcno

There is no hello.gcda file anywhere. A bit of quick poking reveals
that WINE doesn't even attempt to write to a .gcda file, and libgcov.a
is just a stub. Am I missing something, or does mingw not provide
coverage info for this setup?
Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Rhodri James
2017-07-06 10:42:14 UTC
Post by Rhodri James
for complicated and devious reasons I am trying to cross-compile a
program for Windows on Linux, run it under WINE and pick up coverage
information with gcov. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work.
Post by Rhodri James
There is no hello.gcda file anywhere. A bit of quick poking reveals
that WINE doesn't even attempt to write to a .gcda file, and libgcov.a
is just a stub. Am I missing something, or does mingw not provide
coverage info for this setup?
Given the deafening lack of response, I assume there isn't any interest
in cross-compilation coverage. Maybe it'll make a good project some time.
Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd